SOLD - Once Upon a Time #0

1/1 Hand Drawn 2500 x 2500px

“One upon a time… is where my dreams started. Reading those lines opened up a whole world for me. I didn’t have many friends growing up - so books become my best friends… They took me on grand adventures at the turn of a page, they never bullied me and were always there for me, sitting on my shelf. This is dedicated to my book besties, who sparked my dreams of being a writer so I could someday do the same for other book lovers looking for adventure, worlds of possibilities or maybe just a friend who won’t judge them along the way.” - xo xi

Unique “FLASH II” art by Eleven_xi to act as (one) 11% off original mint/floor price for all XI original collections (Art/Project Collabs & XI Special Editions Collabs are excluded from this discount).