SOLD - Lava Lamp #3

1/1 Hand Drawn + Animated 2500 x 2500px

“Let it flow… like lava. This retro lava lamp was inspired by my very own ‘Lava Lamp’ from my bedroom growing up. I loved getting lost in the BLOBS and the endless ebb and flow. May this be a light for you in hard places… when you feel like giving up and running away from it all. Let this Lamp serve as a reminder to take a deep breath and ‘Let it flow’ and let it go. You are made for this. You are like Lava - Bright, Warm, and unstoppable! ” - xo xi

Unique “FLASH II” art by Eleven_xi to act as (one) 11% off original mint/floor price for all XI original collections (Art/Project Collabs & XI Special Editions Collabs are excluded from this discount).